Lorenzo Reyes
Ingeniero civil electricista de la Universidad de Chile y doctor en Energía de la École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, profesor auxiliar del Instituto de Electricidad y Electrónica y director del núcleo INVENT UACh, de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Entre sus principales trabajos relacionados a la temática se encuentran: (2018) E. Scolari, L. Reyes-Chamorro, F. Sossan, M. Paolone. "A Comprehensive Assessment of the Short-Term Uncertainty of Grid-Connected PV Systems". IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, (2017) E. Stai, L. Reyes-Chamorro, F. Sossan, J.-Y. Le Boudec and M. Paolone. "Dispatching Stochastic Heterogeneous Resources Accounting for Grid and Battery Losses". IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, (2014) K. Ubilla, G. Jiménez, R. Hernández, L. Reyes-Chamorro, C. Hernández, B. Severino, R. Palma-Behnke. “Smart microgrids as a solution for Rural Electrification: Ensuring long-term sustainability through cadastre and business models”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, (2014) F. Sossan, H. Bindner, H. Madsen, D. Torregrossa, L. Reyes-Chamorro, M. Paolone, “A model predictive control strategy for the space heating of a smart building including cogeneration of a fuel cell-electrolyzer system”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, (2011) C. Alvial-Palavicino, N. Garrido-Echeverría, G. Jiménez-Estévez, L. Reyes, R. Palma-Behnke, “A Methodology for Community Engagement in the Introduction of Renewable based Smart Microgrid. Energy for Sustainable Development".