Juan Carlos Osorio
Ingeniero electrónico de la Universidad Austral de Chile, máster y candidato a doctor en energías renovables de la Universidad de Jaén, profesor adjunto del Campus Patagonia de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Entre sus principales trabajos relacionados a la temática se encuentran: (2021) J.C. Osorio-Aravena, A. Aghahosseini, D. Bogdanov, U. Caldera, N. Ghorbani, T.N.O. Mensah, E. Muñoz-Cerón, C. Breyer. “The impact of renewable energy and sector coupling on the pathway towards a sustainable energy system in Chile”, Under review. (2021) J.C. Osorio-Aravena, J. de la Casa, J.A. Töfflinger, E. Muñoz-Cerón, “Identifying barriers and opportunities in the deployment of the residential photovoltaic prosumer segment in Chile”, Sustainable Cities and Society. (2020) J.C. Osorio-Aravena, A. Aghahosseini, D. Bogdanov, U. Caldera, E. Muñoz-Cerón, C. Breyer, “Transition toward a fully renewable-based energy system in Chile by 2050 across power, heat, transport and desalination sectors”, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management.