Joel Pérez
Ingeniero naval mención máquinas marinas de la Universidad Austral de Chile, máster en ingeniería naval y candidato a doctor en ingeniería mecánica de la University College London, profesor instructor del Instituto de Ciencias Navales y Marítimas de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Entre sus principales trabajos relacionados a la temática se encuentran: VIDCA S-2020-17 Emulsified Fuel to Reduce the Specific Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions. UNAV-UACh Applied Energy Efficiency Project. I+D Contract between Naviera Ultranav Limitada and UACh. Main Researcher. Optimization of the Emissions Profile of a Marine Propulsion System using a Shaft Generator with Optimum Tracking-Based Control Scheme’. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2020. ‘A Marine Engineering Plant Model to Evaluate a Waste Heat Recovery System and its influence in EEDI Calculations’, Influence of EEDI on Ship Design, RINA Conference 2014.